
Näyttely glagoliittisesta ja kyrillisestä kirjaimistosta

 Näyttely "The Light of Letters"

4.9.-1.10., Eurooppasali (Malminkatu 16)
Bulgarian suurlähetystö on järjestänyt näyttelyn, joka koostuu 24 slaavilaisen aakkoston kehitystä kuvaavasta taulusta.

Näyttely on Eurooppasalissa osoitteessa Malminkatu 16, ja siihen voi tutustua arkipäivisin klo 10–16.30.

Exhibition "The Light of Letters"

The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Helsinki welcomes you to the exhibition “The Light of the Letters” at Eurooppasali. The exhibition will be presented from 4th of September to 1st of October 2013. The exhibition consists of 24 panels, representing medieval manuscript monuments of the Glagolitic and subsequently of the Cyrillic alphabet – one of the three officially recognized alphabets in the European Union.



Kansainvälinen kollokvio: Imagined Interregnum

Suomen Slavistipiiri ry. on mukana järjestämässä kansainvälistä kollokviota

Imagined Interregnum:
Disintegration and Re-Establishment of Russian Academic Networks in 1917–1924

joka pidetään Helsingissä Kansalliskirjaston auditoriossa
5.-6. elokuuta 2013

Englanninkielisen tapahtuman ajantasainen ohjelma sekä lisätietoa löytyy projektin ja kollokvion blogisivulta  http://imaginedinterregnum.blogspot.fi

Programme of the Colloquium

Monday, August 5
09:00-09:30 Registration

09:30-09:45 Opening of Colloquium: Irma Reijonen (Slavonic Library, Helsinki), Organisers

09:45-10:30 Keynote Lecture: Lukáš Babka (Slavonic Library, Prague): Prague as the Center of Russian Science Abroad (1918–1945): The Role of Inter-War Czechoslovakia in the Work of Russian (and Ukrainian) Emigrant Scientists and the Possibilities of Contemporary Research

10:30-12:30 Session 1: Local and Transnational Dimensions of Russian Emigration
Simo Mikkonen: Transnational cultural networks – Impact of Russian emigration to China
German Dudchenko: Soviet-Mongolian Humanitarian Collaboration in 1920s
Petr Bazanov: «Window to Freedom»: Emigration to Finland as the Way of Salvation of Representatives of Russian Science and Culture in 1918-1921
Jussi-Pekka Hakkarainen: Proekt Fersmana. A Case-Study on the Transnational Scientific Networks of Fenno-Russian Scholars in the Early 1920s
Chair: Ianina Kruglikova

12.30-13.30 Lunch Break

13:30-15:30, Session 2: Scientists, Politics and Networks
Aleksandr Dubrovski: Non-formal Organizations of Scientists (1917-1924)
Ianina Kruglikova: Academician M.I. Rostovtseff and the Activity of the Russian Liberation Committee in London 1919 – 1922
Olga Patrikeeva: Fedor Rodichev – the Minister of the Provisional Government by the Affairs of Finland (March–April 1917)
Danil Posadnikov & Leonid Sukhorukov & Polina Kostina: Finland in Fates of the Scholars of the St. Petersburg Academy of Science and St. Petersburg State University in the Post-revolutionary Period
Chair: Jussi-Pekka Hakkaranen

15:30-15:45 Snack Break

15:45-18:00 Session 3: The Parts of the Whole - Individual Fates
Mikhail Bryantsev: Supporting Educational and Scientific Society: The Case of I .V. Kulaev (1857-1941)
Olga Kuznetsova: S. N. Prokopovich's Initiatives of the Russian Academic Network Creation in 1917-1924
Alexey Antoshin: Between Soviet Russia and America: Russian Emigré Lidia Nadejena and Her Connections with Soviet and American Academic Communities
Petr Mazhara: Leonid Strakhovsky: Forgotten Russian Historian
Ludmila Riabova & Julia Usacheva: Peter Berngardovich Struve as a Scientist and Patriot
Chair: Kirsti Ekonen

Tuesday, 6 August
09:00-09:45 Keynote Lecture: Evgeni Petrov (State University, St. Petersburg): The Chairman of «Russian Academic Group» in the US  - Baron Serge A. Korff in 1921-1924

09:45-11:30 Session 4: Reading and Publishing
Jürgen Warmbrunn: Russian Academic Life and Publishing in Berlin During “Imagined Interregnum”
Anna Dudina: Isaak Lourie and Grigorij Alexandrov: Russian Scholars in Charge of Editing a Newspaper in Sweden
Tatiana Yusupova: Interpersonal Communication and Re-Establishment of International Scientific Cooperation in the Beginning of 1920s: Wilhelm Filchner, Sven Gedin and Petr Kozlov
Natalia Ostashova: The Experience of Interfaith Dialog in Foreign Russian Community
Chair: Jussi-Pekka Hakkarainen

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-15:15 Session 5: Establishing Academic Relations with Soviet Russia
Vladimir Nikiforov: Effect of Foreign Academic Contacts on the Russian Scientific and Technical Intelligentsia Emigration from Soviet Russia since 1917
Peter Gorlyakov: Lack of Culture and Interculture: Teaching the Foreign Languages ​​at Higher School in 1917 – 1924
Elena Elts: State Protection of Cultural Heritage in Soviet Russia
Irina Petrova: Why St Petersburg did not Became the Capital of the International Congress of Historical Sciences in 1918: pro et contra
Natalia Nikiforova: The Image of American Technology in Soviet Public Discourse of 1920s and the Formation of Capitalist Myth
Chair: Kirsti Ekonen

15.15-15:45 Snack Break

15:45-17:15 Session 6: Academic Institutions in the Changing World
Ludmila Dubjeva: The Evacuation of Yuryev University in 1918 and Fates of Historians Having Worked There
Larisa Nikoforova: Imperial Palaces of St. Petersburg in 1917-1924: Political Challenge and Reorganization of Scientific Relations in the Art Historians’ Community
I. Alferova & V. Blohin: Socialist Academy as a “Government Plan in the Ideology Field"
Yevgeniy Kodin & Maxim Kail: Establishment in the Time of Destruction: the Formation of Provincial Universities’ Network in the Soviet Russia in 1918-1922. The Case of the Smolensk University
Kirsti Ekonen: Lost Opportunities of Finnish Russian Studies: the Case of Sergei Korff
Chair: Ianina Kruglikova

17:15 Closing the Colloquium

Kansalliskirjaston Auditorio sijaitsee Fabianian 2. kerroksessa Yliopistonkadun puoleisessa siivessä.
Vieraiden kulku ainoastaan Yliopistonkatu 1 ovesta. Vahtimestari avaa oven 15 minuuttia ennen tilaisuuden alkua. http://www.kansalliskirjasto.fi/extra/opas/Tilat.htm

Lisätietoja: imagined.interregnum@gmail.com


Lecture on the East-European history of Structuralism by Patrick Flack (Prague)

The Society of Finnish Slavists (Suomen Slavistipiiri ry.) has a privilege to present Patrick Flack, a Researcher at the Charles University, Prague who will visit Helsinki to give a lecture

“Structuralism: French Myth and European History”

Time: Thursday, April 25th, 2013, at 4–6 p.m.
Venue: Seminary room 22, Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40B, 4th floor)

Abstract: Structuralism can be said to have begun its evolution at the latest at the turn of XX century, mostly in Central and Eastern Europe. The strength of the myth created by the success of French theory in the 1960s and 70s (Lévi-Strauss, Barthes, Lacan), however, has overshadowed this evolution and left a largely under-explored field. The talk will attempt to sketch out a broad panorama of structuralism's often dramatic but productive early history in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany and Russia.

About the lecturer: Patrick Flack is a researcher in the Central European Institute of Philosophy at Charles University, Prague. He is working on his post-doc in Comparative Literature and Intellectual History, with a special focus on Central and Eastern Europe and a strong background in semiotics, literary theory, philosophy and the history of linguistics. His current project is devoted to the history of structuralism during the interwar.

About the organizer: The Society of Finnish Slavists (Suomen Slavistipiiri ry.) is a scientific society devoted to advancing research of and knowledge about Slavic languages and cultures in Finland.  


Further information:

Dr. Kirsti Ekonen
Dept. of World Cultures (Russian Culture)


Slavistipäivän 2013 esitelmiä

Slavistipäivä 2013: ”Kansalliset heräämiset” ennen ja nyt 

Helena Lehečková (Dos., PhD, Helsingin yliopisto): 
Anna Kyppö (FT, Jyväskylän yliopisto):
Kansallinen herääminen ja integroituminen Slovakiassa 


Hallitus/Styrelse 2017

Slavistipiirin vuosikokous pidettiin 17.3. Puheenjohtajaksi kaudelle 2017 valittiin Sanna Turoma ja varapuheenjohtajaksi Martina Björklund. Uudeksi sihteeriksi valittiin Eeva Kuikka ja taloudenhoitajana jatkaa Hanna Määttänen. Muut hallituksen jäsenet ovat Johanna Virkkula, Ksenia Kanerva, Jari Parkkinen, Susan Ikonen, Esa Anttikoski ja Olga Nenonen.


Venäjänkielisen kirjaston avajaiset Sellon kirjastossa / Otkrytie russkojazytšnoj biblioteki, Biblioteka Sello 8.2.2013

Sellon kirjastolla on ilo kutsua teidät Venäjänkielisen kirjaston avajaisiin 8.2.2013 klo 14.00 alkaen!
Библиотека Селло рада Вас пригласить на открытие Русскоязычной библиотеки 8.2.2013 в 14.00!

HUOM! HelMet-uutisia:


Slavistipäivä 15.2.2013

Slavistipäivä 2013: ”Kansalliset heräämiset” ennen ja nyt

Vuoden 2013 Slavistipäivässä pohditaan slaavilaisten kansojen ja kielialueiden ”kansallisia heräämisiä” sekä historiallisesti että nykyhetken kannalta. Millaisia piirteitä, eroavaisuuksia ja samankaltaisuuksia löytyy etelä-, itä- ja länsislaavien ”kansallisissa heräämisissä”? Minkälaiset prosessit ovat johtaneet nykytilanteeseen? Voimistuuko ”herännäisyys” tulevaisuudessa? 

Slavistipäivä järjestetään perjantaina 15.2.2013.
Paikkana on Tieteiden talo, Kirkkokatu 6, sali 404.


10.15                Slavistipiirin avaussanat
10.15                Helena Lehečková (Dos., PhD, Helsingin yliopisto): 
Kansallinen herääminen tšekkiläisittäin: taustat ja seuraukset

11.15                Suvi Saraja (FM):
Ukrainan kielitilanteesta

11.45                Jaakko Kölhi (FM, Helsingin yliopisto):
Kirjakielikysymys Montenegrossa

12.15                Lounas

13.00                Jouko Lindstedt (Prof., Helsingin yliopisto):
Miten Bulgarian kansakunta rakennettiin

14:00                Kahvitarjoilu

14.15                Anna Kyppö (FT, Jyväskylän yliopisto):
Kansallinen herääminen ja integraatioprosessit Slovakiassa
14.45                Riku-Artturi Lilja (FM):
Mattimyöhäiset - Kieli valkovenäläisen kansallisen heräämisen elementtinä

Vapaa pääsy, tervetuloa!


15.30–16.30    Slavistipiiri ry:n sääntömääräinen vuosikokous.